Hi everyone. The sun is shining so hot today after a heavy rain last night. I had a hard time sleeping last night. That's what I get for having a cup of coffee late afternoon. Another reason is I keep thinking of my son who is Kish right now. That somewhere in the Emirates. I have not heard from him lately. Hope he is OKay. Well, at least I had news from my daughter Edrica who is Maryland as a nurse. Her husband is in Germany right now so she is pretty lonely. Thanks Edrie for the money! ( She always send us $500 a month)Ain't I so lucky? HAHAHA!
I made another freebie! I was playing around with my adobe again and I came up with this. I don't know what to call them , they look like locks and at the same time very charming so I gave them that name. It's cute anyway. I made one page using it. I mixed my page with some elements from my some of my favorite designers like Beckyscraps and Lyn-O. The transparent charm of course is mine. hihihi. The picture is when Edrica got married about 2 1/2 years ago. We have not seen her since. Oh Edrie, please plan to visit us! I miss her so much!
Anyway, enjoy my freebie. I hope you find them very useful . God bless you all!
You can get them here: